Corrigin Walk Trails

Whether stopping to break your journey or staying a while, Corrigin offers a variety of interesting tracks and trails. From a gentle stroll around the Shopping District Route to an exhilarating scramble on the Corrigin Rock Trail, we have something for everyone!

View the Corrigin Walk Trails map or call into the Corrigin Community Resource Centre at 55 Larke Crescent, Corrigin to pick-up a brochure. Corrigin Rock

Corrigin Rock Trail - 1.8km

Points of Interest:
Views of farmland, pockets of bushland with native flora & fauna.

The Dam Bush Track - 1.9km Dam Bush Track

Points of Interest:
Large water tank, bushland, native flora & fauna.

Shopping District Route - 3.2km

Points of Interest:
Loch Ness Monster, Corrigin Museum, Miss B's Park. Loch Ness Monster

Town Site Circuit - 3.7km

Points of Interest:
RSL Memorial Hill Lookout, Adventure Playground, Corrigin Swimming Pool & Sportsground.

RSL Memorial LookoutCorrigin Cemetery Trail - 4.1km

Points of Interest: Corrigin Cemetery, Skateboard Park, Adventure Playground.