Holding an Event

The Shire of Corrigin is proud of its annual events which are enjoyed equally by locals and visitors alike. Council encourages and supports community, industry, cultural and sporting groups to deliver events in the area.

Event Organisation Information

There are certain legislative requirements that apply to events, towards protecting public health & safety and the environment. Local governments have a responsibility to assess events and ensure required approvals and arrangements are in place.

If you are planning an event, download the Flowchart for event organisation and a copy of the Event Management Package. This Package contains detailed information to assist in the process of planning an event and obtaining relevant approvals. The Department of Health WA has also produced comprehensive Event Guidelines which provide useful information.

For further details regarding holding an event in the Shire please complete the Application to Construct, Extend Or Alter a Public Building (including Events) and contact the Shire of Corrigin on 08 9063 2203 or email shire@corrigin.wa.gov.au.

Application to Construct, Extend or Alter a Public Building

Event Information Checklist

Risk management plans are an integral part of the event development process to ensure safe, successful and quality public events. A Risk Management Plan is recommended for every event, and are mandatory in some cases due to the size and/or nature of the event. Below are templates that can be used by event organisers to develop a Risk Management Plan.

Risk Management Plan Template

Sample Risk Register

Department of Health - Event Guidelines